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From your first appointment to the resolution of your case, we ensure the highest level of professionalism..

Ana Clara Nogueira


Specialist in Tax Law from IBMEC - RJ, and graduated in Law from Estácio de Sá University. She has completed extension courses in Intellectual Property from WIPO and Copyright Law from the Institute of Technology of PUC-RIO, in partnership with MCT and ITS Rio.

She has experience in major law firms in Rio de Janeiro, focusing on public law and litigation, particularly in intellectual property and strategic litigation.

Gisele Pazzini


Specialist in Family Law from the University of Coimbra, Portugal. She holds a Bachelor of Law from Estácio de Sá University and a degree in Business Administration from Universidade Metropolitana de Santos (SP). She is also a postgraduate in Family and Succession Law from IBMEC and has training in Collaborative Practices and Conflict Mediation from MEDIARE.

Gisele is a member of the CNJ Commission for Adequate Conflict Solutions and the Family Law Commission of OAB/RJ.

She has extensive experience in strategic consulting and contentious practice in civil, business, family, and succession law.

João Pedro Nery


Graduated in Law from Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie (SP) and currently pursuing a postgraduate degree in Civil Procedure at Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV). He has experience working at prominent law firms in São Paulo, with expertise in civil litigation and strategic cases.

Julia Jácome


Graduated from the National Law School of UFRJ and post-graduated in Civil Procedure from Universidade Cândido Mendes – UCAM. She has taken extension courses in Corporate Contracts from FGV and in Civil Procedure from PUC/RJ.

Julia has worked as a lawyer in major law firms in Rio de Janeiro, handling cases in courts nationwide and before the Superior Courts. She specializes in strategic civil litigation and has extensive experience in this field.

Leticia Domingues Magalhães


Graduated in Law from São Judas Tadeu University, with extension courses in Compliance from FGV and Legal Management from ESAOAB. She holds a Postgraduate degree in Civil Procedure from the Mackenzie Presbyterian Institute and is currently pursuing another Postgraduate degree in Economic, Financial, and Tax Law from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation.

Leticia has developed her career in renowned law firms in São Paulo and works in strategic contentious civil litigation as well as consultative and contentious tax law.

Luigi Terlizzi


Holds a Master's degree in Business Law from the Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and has completed an MBA in Tax Management from USP/ESALQ.

With experience in renowned law firms in Rio de Janeiro, Luigi has been involved in relevant and strategic cases in corporate law, contracts, and tax law.

Luisa Reis


Graduated in Law from Universidade Cândido Mendes – UCAM, Luísa has previously worked as an attorney at major law firms in Rio de Janeiro and has extensive experience in handling cases before courts across the country and before the Superior Courts.

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